Chocolate fountains BiG & Small
Hi Chocolate New York!
Are you looking for cheap chocolate fountain for home use? We are big guys with big 44 inch chocolate fountains for rent, but we know where you can get chocolate fountain for cheap! Having this chocolate fountain at home will give you an extra fancy looking and delicious dessert option for a family party or a date. Trust me it works great, I am a chocolatier and I know what I am talking about!

Do you need a special chocolate for home chocolate fountains? Not really, you can use a regular chocolate bar which you can find at any store, just make sure there are no nuts, raisin or any other bits and pieces. You will also need some canola oil for it, just a very-very little. With the BiG rental chocolate fountains people do not use oil, because we use a special kind of chocolate which has higher cocoa consistence so it does not require any oil adds. If you use a regular chocolate bar from a store you might need to add some oil as that chocolate will not be that liquid and harden quickly when molding. But here I am to help you! I added some chocollate links where you can get good home use chocolate fountan for cheap, high quality premium chocolate for a low price for your home chocolate fountain. Using it will bring you a step higher to become a real chocolatier for your loved ones!
So get you hundred dollar bill ready and check the chocolate links below:
Sephra Premium Milk Chocolate 4 lb box for chocolate fountains
And Remember BiG or Small chocolate fountain is always a great looking thing for you sweet 16, wedding, bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah any event where you want your guests to be happy!